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What is a 2-2-3 Work Schedule?
Work Management
Last modified date

Aug 19, 2024

The 2-2-3 Work Schedule: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Amine Boussassi

Blog average read time

8 min

Last modified date

August 19, 2024

Let’s face it: managing work-life balance in businesses with round-the-clock schedules is a big piece of the puzzle that probably gets talked about less than it should. Just as you’d expect, traditional 9-to-5 jobs often don’t fit the operational needs of industries that never sleep, like manufacturing, healthcare, and emergency services.

2-2-3 work schedule to the rescue 🛟!

By the end of this post, you’ll know exactly what the 2-2-3 work schedule is, its variations, and how to implement it properly.

We can already tell this is going to be a long one, so you might want to grab a snack 🍪 or another cup of coffee ☕

What is a 2-2-3 Work Schedule?

The 2-2-3 work schedule, which you might also hear referred to as the Panama schedule (although there are some small nuances), is a rotating shift pattern designed to provide round-the-clock coverage over a 28-day cycle.

In the 2-2-3 work schedule, employees are divided into four teams. Each team works 12 hours per shift for two days. They then have a two-day break, followed by three days of consecutive work, alternating between day and night shifts based on the company’s needs. Therefore, employees’ weekly hours technically remain the same.

Here is what a 2-2-3 work schedule would look like:

In Which Industries Is the 2-2-3 Work Schedule Applicable?

Now that we have established what a 2-2-3 work schedule is, let’s discuss the types of industries and businesses that should use this shift pattern. A little hint 🧩 They all require round-the-clock ⏳ coverage to keep operations running smoothly.

1. Healthcare Sector

To kick off our list, we have to talk about hospitals and emergency medical services that must logically operate 24/7 to provide patient care. For that, the medical staff needs to be there at all times to handle any potential emergencies.

That’s where this shift comes in handy: it addresses all of those schedule flaws and prevents staff fatigue.

2. Security Services

It goes without saying that security services, where constant surveillance and monitoring are inevitable (such as military bases, police departments, and security companies), often adopt a 2-2-3 schedule for their employees to maintain operations round-the-clock and protect the public without any interruption.

3. Emergency Sector

Just like security services, emergency sectors such as ambulance services, fire departments, and Red Cross emergency response teams must remain fully operational 24/7. The 2-2-3 Schedule helps workers in these fields maintain a manageable work-life balance.

4. Manufacturing

Manufacturing is another industry where the workforce often needs to work nonstop, especially in businesses where employees must meet certain production quotas and market needs. Implementing a 2-2-3 factory schedule will help keep the operation seamless and uninterrupted.

5. Customer Support

Round-the-clock support has become the ‘new normal’ for online businesses looking to optimize customer experience and gain a competitive edge in the market. This is especially true for call centers, web development software, and other businesses.

6. Transportation Sector

Most segments of the transportation sector, such as airlines and public transit, require their staff to manage operations throughout the day and night to serve the constant flow of travelers, and that’s exactly why the 2-2-3 Schedule is an excellent option for this industry.

Is the 2-2-3 Work Schedule Flawless?

Now that you know what goes into the 2-2-3 work schedule, you could think that this system is flawless, and we can agree, but then we’d both be lying!

That’s precisely why we’ll discuss the advantages and potential drawbacks of this shift pattern.

Let’s cover some advantages first.

Advantages of 2-2-3 Work Schedule

Better customer experience

Regardless of how big or small your business is, offering a 24/7 service will help you close more deals and convert more people. But revenue isn’t really the full story.

Being constantly available to your customers will naturally boost your brand awareness and help you connect with them on a deeper level 💡

Getting things done

Working 12 hours per shift will give your team plenty of time to get the job done and keep operations up and running; all of this eliminates the need for overtime shifts and, therefore, cuts down on any extra costs for the company 🫰

Longer time off for employees

It wouldn’t be a discovery to say that employees will get more days off with the 2-2-3 work schedule compared to the traditional 8-hour shifts, and to put this into perspective, let’s talk numbers!

On average, employees on this schedule work only 180 days a year (yeah, 180 only!), and that’s 80 days fewer than those stuck in a traditional 9-to-5 job. Not only that! They also won’t work for more than three days in a row.

Inconveniences of the 2-2-3 Work Schedule

But as we said, the picture isn’t all rosy with a 2-2-3 work schedule, so let’s explore some of its inconveniences.

Employees well-being is affected

Working rotating 12-hour shifts can be physically and mentally exhausting, and it’s not hard to see why. Employees often find it tough to adapt to the Schedule’s rotating nature, especially when it disrupts their sleep patterns due to the constant switching between day and night shifts.

Productivity decline

Let’s be realistic here: nobody can maintain optimal productivity during a 12-hour period. As the day progresses, fatigue will naturally set in, and the team members will become more prone to commit errors during the latter part of their shift.

Management issues

Implementing a successful 2-2-3 work schedule is far from being a walk in the park. It’s a process that requires careful planning and consistent coordination between the teams and the HR department.

Things can get especially tough when several night-shift team members are on leave for whatever reason. In this case scenario, the company will be left with no other choice but to ask day shift workers to step in and cover the gaps 🤷

Variation Models of the 2-2-3 Work Schedule

Using the 2-2-3 method for round-the-clock work environments is a terrific idea, but it’s just one of many shift patterns in use.

Let’s explore some of its variations that aren’t so different and still provide 24/7 coverage, just like the 2-2-3 Schedule.

1) DuPont Shift Schedule

The DuPont shift schedule is named after a French company that introduced it in the 1950s to ensure around-the-clock coverage and maintain a certain level of work-life balance for employees.

In the DuPont shift schedule, employees work longer shifts, but they also enjoy entire weeks of breaks to guarantee a fair workload distribution among all workers.

And to better understand the DuPont shift schedule, let’s get into some hands-on work!

We know, we know, this can still be a bit confusing. So, here’s a table to visualize how the teams’ working schedule would look like over the four weeks:

Here are some DuPont schedule drawbacks:

2) Panama shift schedule

Much like the 2-2-3 Schedule, the Panama shift involves four teams rotating through two or three different shifts with two or three days off. Each team will typically work for 12 hours before rotating to the next to cover an entire 24-hour period.

The cycle functions this way: each team works for three days, gets two days off, then works three days on the next shift, followed again by another two days off.

Now, you’re probably thinking, what’s the real difference between the Panama shift schedule and the 2-2-3? Well, here is the lowdown:

  • The 2-2-3 Schedule operates on a weekly cycle, while the Panama schedule runs on a longer cycle, typically 7 to 14 days.
  • Panama shifts rotate every 28 days between day and night shifts.
  • In the Panama shifts, employees rotate through various shifts (day, night, and sometimes evening) within the cycle.

3) 4 on, 4 off Schedule

The ‘4 on, 4 off’ shift pattern is another type of rotation in which four teams work 12-hour shifts for four consecutive work days followed by four consecutive days off, keeping the workplace staffed 24/7.

You definitely need some more elaboration here! So here is an example of how a ‘4 on, 4 off’ schedule would operate when there are four teams rotating shifts:

Here are some other details of the four on, four off schedule:

Detailed Example Week:

4) The Rotating Pitman shift schedule

The Pitman Shift Schedule, also known as the 2-2-3-2-2-3 Schedule, is named after Herbert Pitman, the third officer on the RMS Titanic. He created it to enhance time management, safety, and productivity in maritime operations.

In the rotating Pitman schedule, four teams alternate between day and night shifts over two weeks. One team works during the day while another works at night, and they switch every two weeks. Employees also rotate their schedules weekly under this Schedule.

5) DDNNOO schedule

The DDNNOO schedule is just like it sounds: two-day shifts (DD), followed by two-night shifts (NN), and then two days off (OO). To run this Schedule, you need three teams. While two teams always work 12-hour shifts, the third team gets its days off.

Once the six-day cycle is completed, the schedule resets. So, if the cycle starts on a Friday, the new cycle begins again on the following Thursday.

However, one of the drawbacks of this system is that employees will have to put in 32 hours of overtime during certain periods of the year (Yep, you heard that right). Can you say burnout? 🙈

Tips to Implement 2-2-3 Work Schedule Properly

If your business or industry meets all the requirements of the 2-2-3 work schedule, don’t try the “spray and pray approach” and wait for things to come together naturally — they never do.

Here are some actionable tips for implementing this shift pattern and maximizing your staff’s performance.

1. Get in touch with your staff

With better communication comes better scheduling, and with better scheduling, higher productivity and employee satisfaction. So you can’t afford to establish a 2-2-3 work schedule in the dark without knowing what your team thinks and prefers.

Holding a team meeting to discuss the shift pattern will help you build a schedule that’s not just in line with their thought process but also super easy to adjust along the way. Because what’s the 2-2-3 Schedule really about? Making your employees more productive and more happy, right?

Consider using video conferencing tools like Google Meet to streamline communication and coordination between staff across different shifts.

2. Choose the time wisely

You may have noticed that throughout the article, we haven’t stuck to one block of time because each business and industry has its own specificity. For example, a milk factory might choose a 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. shift for the day and a 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. shift for the night for very obvious reasons.

As we said, remember to communicate with your employees and consider their input when deciding which Schedule will be more convenient for a shift changeover.

3. Schedule regular breaks

It’s totally safe to say that work breaks are a make-or-break factor in the 2-2-3 Schedule because expecting your employees to work 12 hours straight without a break is absolutely unrealistic and can lead to inevitable burnout.

So, if you want to keep your staff productive throughout their day and night shifts, you better schedule spaced-out breaks. Moreover, you should dedicate break rooms inside your premises where they can relax and recharge their batteries.

4. Respect time off

Working for 12 hours is super exhausting, and the time off is crucial for recovery and maintaining a healthy work-life balance for your staff. So, unless it’s an absolute emergency (equipment Failure, safety incidents, or client emergencies), don’t disturb staff on their days off.

And in case you’re operating in the tech industry, you’ve got endless solutions with chatbots that can answer customer inquiries, collect data, and give personalized product recommendations before a team member ever does.

Your team deserves that rest to return to work refreshed and ready to perform at their best.

5. Leverage powerful scheduling tools

You don’t need to be an Elon Musk 🤌 to figure out that creating and tracking a work schedule is time-consuming, especially for managers who already have too much on their plate. The “Aha moment” is the instant you start using a scheduling software like Paymo

Paymo can help with all the challenges HR departments struggle with so your teams won’t constantly feel pressured. The app does all the heavy lifting for you.

Paymo is packed with features for real-time team collaboration. You can assign and set tasks (or shifts 😜), define dependencies and durations, set priorities, receive alerts, and, of course, track time.

What’s even better? Paymo allows you to view shifts in various formats: list, Kanban board, calendar, Gantt chart, and, best of all, the Meta Kanban board, which lets you view all of your team tasks, shifts, leaves—literally anything—in one place.

Does it get any better than that? And the answer is, yes, it does! Here’s how:

Paymo offers timesheet management with a calendar-like view of all tracked shifts. Like other online calendars, you can zoom in and out and switch between Day, Week, and Month View.

Final words

Now, we can safely say that we’ve shared with you as much about the 2-2-3 work schedule as you should know before you implement it properly.

Depending on your industry, you can implement the 2-2-3 work schedule. And it’s not as tough as you think. Paymo is a fantastic tool for establishing your round-the-clock Schedule without missing a beat. Why not give it a go? 👉 You’re just a click away!

One last thing: Building a work culture that supports your employees’ well-being in any shift system will help maintain their productivity and the quality of their work in the long run.

Thank you for sticking around until the end! For more insights into the SaaS world, find me on LinkedIn.

Start scheduling your work with Paymo!

Amine Boussassi


Amine Boussassi is an SEO content writer who has been featured on big names like ActiveCampaign and ClickUp, and Flippa. He is enthusiastic about the SaaS world, no-code solutions, project management tools, and everything in between. His overarching mission revolves around empowering companies to achieve high rankings on Google.

Alexandra Martin


Drawing from a background in cognitive linguistics and armed with 10+ years of content writing experience, Alexandra Martin combines her expertise with a newfound interest in productivity and project management. In her spare time, she dabbles in all things creative.

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